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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. I left it ambiguous b/c I didn’t want to look it up. I know he leads the team.
  2. That’s actually a good question. I guess I mean when he looks like “the guy”? Im anticipating buying one, I waited to get a CMC jersey just to be on the safe side.
  3. I was close to picking Terrace. He has quietly lead all receivers in preseason. He and Horn look like day-1 pros.
  4. The pass rush will be ferocious until teams remember CMC is also on the field. A couple well timed screens/draws will take that deep pass rush right out of them. If all goes well, defenses will have to stay home just to keep McCaffrey from 200yds a game.
  5. With a winning season it’s all but a guarantee.
  6. If he stays healthy that would mean a potential multi-interception season from D-Jax.
  7. THAT is exactly what I had hoped to see. THAT is exactly what we saw. I know some of you crabby-asses will still bitch like you’re bleeding from the bottom half of your bodies, but this was the gamble. Sam can do this.
  8. Grier’s TD run may have an influence on the decision. I mostly agree with your picks. I don’t see Bonnafon getting cut. His lack of PT doesn’t concern me. Brown looked good, he may be the squad stash out of that group. Zylstra just dropped his whole career. No other player took as sharp of a hit to their stock. Ricci is the exact opposite. He played well Friday and looks better than Ian. Ian better start packing. Arnold/Tommyknocker/Ricci: that’s a good TE/FB trio. The offensive line is a crap shoot. They They could cut everyone but Moton and not surprise me.
  9. That also would remove Philly from the Watson sweepstakes too I suppose.
  10. Haven’t heard any reasons. A lot of times vets play hardball until camp ends then lower that price. Fret not, if anything derails this team, LB’er won’t be the culprit. OL *cough* OL
  11. I’d imagine if he’s not been brought in, the reasons are there. I guarantee it’s not because they forgot he exists.
  12. I would much rather enjoy watching the punt team be good than closing my eyes and praying it goes well.
  13. We should really take more feelings into consideration. I think more sensitivity could really take this game to the next level. #hugsnothits
  14. What good is having an offense if you can’t get a stop? We were terrible getting off the field. The front office had a plan and they executed it. I can’t figure out why y’all are so damn salty? You can’t correct a decade of dumbassery in 1 offseason.
  15. The oline blows. Darnold looks jumpy, but familiar with being that way. I think he can win here if we keep him clean.
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