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Everything posted by philit99

  1. They are both Coronavirus’ that preceded this one. We never developed a vaccine for either of the two former viruses. The point is can a vaccine be developed at all, if they are struggling to get a vaccination for the previous two iterations and had twenty years to make one.
  2. Can someone tell me where the vaccine for SARS or MERS are currently? Oh wait there is no vaccine, how strange. They both have been around for 10 years or more and they are both Coronavirus’. Yep we should have a fix in no time.
  3. God bless the folks and their families, that are about to die. No doubt we reopen and no doubt that more will die. It is inevitable because families can not sustain being jobless and must begin to get back to normal. The problem is we are effectively signing some people’s death certificate.
  4. Scientist now warn that all Americans should practice social distancing until at least 2022 or until a vaccine is finalized. Wow https://www.mdlinx.com/physiciansense/new-study-why-social-distancing-may-need-to-continue-until-2022/
  5. A winger is a position in hockey usually left or right that has offensive and defensive responsibilities to their side. The band winger was formed by front man kip winger and was well known during the glam metal phase. They had a huge hit “seventeen” in 1988. The term “winger” could also apply to one’s political stance, especially if they are completely consumed by a political party, instead of mildly leaning one direction or another.
  6. Damn right, chicks love nerds or at least our wallets! LOL I have a permanent tin foil hat, it’s why I have no hair.
  7. You should be proud of that tin foil hat!!! Wear it with pride as your fellow nerds are currently broadcasting.
  8. Bytes posted the facts I kept arguing about. Lives were lost, and people are still dying today, because of how our country handled the situation. Unfortunately, we can’t change the past. We can control our future, so staying at home for the next year or so, will become our reality.
  9. Ken Jeong graduated from both Carolina and Duke, that is one confused dude. He is probably somewhere trying to guess who he is himself while rapping Million dollar strong.
  10. I know that Foxy's kids went to Elon, and he was a big donor. Wonder if John Fox has family in Maryland?
  11. That would not even pay for parking in Winston.
  12. Well at the time, Elon was $22,500 a year and Wake was about $40,000 and I was but a poor boy. I really have no idea how much tuition is at either school today, as I have not kept up with my alumni duties. Actually, I was not a fan of Wake or Duke (I hate rich people), yet sadly work for plenty of them. I can confirm only about 3 of us were from NC when I went to Elon, the rest were from Maryland. They should have built a Maryland DMV nearby. I did eat at the aoii often though! LOL
  13. I went to the University of Maryland at Elon myself, so I get the New Jersey reference.
  14. My real fear is that some countries, or administrations may exclaim that they have a working vaccine without the proper testing procedures. We need that vaccine and to hell with the consequences. Then the vaccine cause some other ailment. We cant rush this, or it will be even worse than it is today.
  15. That would mean we would have to use, said socially engineered solution until a vaccine could be developed. Hence, why I don't think sports or anything will return to normal until that vaccine is developed, or it will repeat itself.
  16. This is my fear as well. The moment we go back to normal this thing will spread again, and that will continue until there is a vaccine. This is as big as the Spanish flu ordeal. There is no way to stop spreading this disease. It can live days on surfaces, you can spread it and not even know you have it! I digress, doom and gloom.
  17. I was really peeved at your response to me directly without calling others out as well. However, you totally redeemed yourself with the Brooklyn Decker comment! LOL
  18. Speaking from experience, stay away from GoToMeeting, they suck!!!!! I have dropped five meetings this week. I think the service was not built for the influx of customers! Anyways, it has effected my work, since we were sentenced to work from home.
  19. I'd love to be in the board room of some of these large corporations, ironing out their 5 year vision, and trying to exclude the work from home model!!!! Every company that has a business continuity plan, will use this crisis as a reason for funding employee work from home costs including internet, telecommunications and more. If the business has to start paying employees for home internet, then the accountants will need to make up that money and could see the brick and mortar store front as a way to save capital. Also, if everyone works from home I wonder how that will affect the divorce rate? LOL
  20. I guess what I am saying is there could be a lot of empty commercial spaces available, when life as we knew it returns.
  21. It will not be because we asked for it, it will be for business continuity purposes! LOL
  22. That is heart breaking. I hope that trend ends in the next couple of days. So many families are grief stricken.
  23. One side note, I think a bunch of businesses will continue to use the model that they are forced to use today. We could be saying good bye to the brick and mortar store fronts, and hello to the work and learn at home models for business and school. I know that doesn't apply across the board but some businesses may adopt the model that forced them.
  24. Oh boy...….That dense????? I responded to a posters claim about showing positives to our leader in this very thread. You can not call me out, without calling everyone else that posted in this thread defending of our president. Do not insult my intelligence, as I did not insult you. You don't know me, don't call me out, and I don't give a fu%k if you are Brooklyn Decker or not.
  25. Dude you calling me out, for what the truth? Brooklyn...….hum where have I heard of that before? She used to come on here and chat with us lowlifes. I wonder????
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