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  2. At least the city has one team that we don't have to be totally embarrassed by. I'd kill for the panthers to be middle of the road
  3. If we had wanted to trade Norman we could have done pretty well better than a 5th in return. You know, the analytical path that just churns value upwards. Which, I’d like to see happen with QBs being taken late.
  4. His arguments weren’t really clear, He said traded for Corral which he was a drafted player. Though we did trade up. = confused, unclear. Then there was the contention that had no gray area, he was franchise or bust - no in between. Which is really what is the most likely outcome. Maddening mediocrity.
  5. Today
  6. Game 4, 5-1 in the 2nd, Oilers finally opened Bob up like a can of sardines. It’s what they had to do. Bob pulled.
  7. Hornets are a cursed franchise. Maybe it's a mascot sharing a name with a notorious hurricane, or the ghost of Bobby Phills, or George Shinn making a pact with the devil, or LJ's broken back or Zo not being worth the money, or Adam Morrison lingering stink, or some combination of all those and more. They are never going to be good. Even when they were adored in the good old days, they still weren't very good. All that said, Atlanta is a pretty bad sports town. Take out all the SEC fanbases in the vicinity and it is very bleak indeed.
  8. Yesterday
  9. for the right price I would extend Johnson today but im sure they are terrify of a Darnold situation
  10. Its social media, people like to whine, especially when its someone they don't like at the time. I don't see the point in complaining about something like this (its a good thing overall) but then I generally just scroll past the whining.
  11. All 3 of those guys were traded because it was time to give them monster extensions that their previous team wasn’t willing or able to give them, not because they weren’t reaching their potential. Terrible comparisons to Johnson’s situation
  12. You have to think about it in terms of trade value. What can you reasonably expect to get on the trade market for a 5th round pick? Certainly not a guy who is going to be a highly sought after free agent.
  13. Even if the 5th being lost is guaranteed, that’s better value than we’ve gotten from a 5th round pick since 2012 with Josh Norman.
  14. I'm not sure he's even worth signing to an extension at any point, even if he has a solid season. He turns 28 in a couple of weeks and has ONE 1,000 season in his career with better QB play than Bryce (and better coaching as well). He's a solid player, but fact remains that probably the best team at recognizing WR talent in the last 10-15 years, decided he wasn't someone they wanted to keep around. I'd rather overpay for a better player in the offseason, and/or use our first rounder next year on a 21 year old WR with truly elite potential to pair with Legette. I like the trade to get us a solid WR option this year, but extending him now just makes absolutely no sense, it's the same problem we've had for the last decade, overpaying for average to slightly above average players. We aren't contenders this year and short of some absolute miracle happening, we won't be contenders for the following couple seasons either. So why in the world does anyone think signing a 28 year old without a single elite season in his 5 year career is a smart move? We're not going to be contenders with a 30 or 31 year old Deontae Johnson making 25+ million a season, that's just asinine to think it's a smart move, even with a rising cap. I'd rather overpay a Aiyuk or Higgins by $7-10 million a season next offseason than pay Johnson a fair market contract. Or try to trade for someone like DK Metcalf next offseason, who I don't think gets a new deal in Seattle, it's why they drafted JSN.
  15. Lol it has happened in another country regarding soccer. If you had any type of reading comprehension you would have seen that mentioned in another country.
  16. This dudes videos/takes are so dumb. I remember one vid titled “why is Bryce young so polarizing” ummm because he’s the starting QB of an NFL team maybe?
  17. It's not rare for players to hit their peak after a trade. Diggs, Brown and Hill in recent memory.
  18. Happy Father's Day to you as well. Tell the family I said hi.
  19. Mostly made up fluff. Gantt is an agent of propaganda--not a journalist.
  20. You act so smart. He won't sign an extension now. Thanks for your condescending bullshit.
  21. If we could just get that loud extrovert you refer to, to actually walk off the cliff the world might have a chance to breathe.
  22. The western world is full of people that would follow a loud extrovert off a cliff before following a confident introvert that weighs things out. It’s sad. Some of the best leaders of our time were quiet but strong leaders by example. High ranking military, doctors, scientists, inventors, and musicians are vastly dominated by these types. And presidents like Lincoln. It really makes no difference and isn’t an indicator of anything but damn does western culture love their loud mouths.
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