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Everything posted by Captroop

  1. 30 Bench Press reps! Now that's what I'm talking about for a lineman! None of this 19 BS Little put up.
  2. Literally all the picks we've trades away have been used on exactly the player I wanted at that spot. I'm seriously gonna track these guys and remember it's the draft we could have had.
  3. Trey Pick from Cleveland? Never heard of him. Can he play LT?
  4. The Isley brothers finally made their way off the stage.
  5. I really want to see us address O-line in round 2. After round I doubt you're finding more than a JAG at one of the tackle positions, and I'd really like to see us find a potential starter. We've still got a weak line, and not Cam, Teddy of even Sam Darnold could hope to do well behind it.
  6. We must have really hated Slater. Don't get it at all. I figured you either get your QB of the future or protection for your QB of the future. Frankly I'd have liked to see us trade back and get another first next year.
  7. Ouch. Reminds me of the Moneyball scene. We're paying Bridgewater $7 million to play against us.
  8. "Sneakers." I grew up in the South, but my family is all Midwesterners, so I unwittingly use a lot of Detroit jargon. Therefore I can't definitively say which regional dialect that's attributable to.
  9. "It has absolutely nothing to do with your pecker." And boy are they right.
  10. Hold up. You're telling me the standard of arm length for the absolute monsters among men is 34 inches? And that a lot of the stars in the NFL don't even reach that threshold? Jesus, I guess my 37 inch arms really are freakishly long. No wonder I can't find a got dang dress shirt that fits.
  11. He's not a public speaker, and I don't think he has a future in broadcasting. But nothing about that presser has any impact on how I think he'll do as a player her. I'm cautiously optimistic, and really hoping for the best. I still can't get over how young he is. He's 23 and already has 3 years of experience as an NFL QB. He'll mature. He'll probably learn to come off more mature with age. But I'm still pulling hard for him to have a career renaissance here.
  12. God damn you. Now I can't stop paying attention to it.
  13. The pragmatist gave the pilot a pistol instead of a parachute so they try their best to save the plane. ...I don't know if that's an extension of the analogy in this case. But it's a damned interesting piece of WWI trivia.
  14. How in the Sam Hill did you manage to find a Smiling Friends gif?
  15. Man, I came to this thread after getting the alert on my phone expecting some optimism. And what do I get? "Ermahgerd! My second round pick next year!" Seriously? After all the talk about how QB is the most important position in the league, and we need to trade the farm for a franchise QB, we get one for peanuts and all y'all can do is bitch? This is fantastic news! We kept almost all of our draft capital this year. We can invest in offensive line, Linebacker, CB. All the positions we actually need rather than pining for the 4th or 5th best QB in the draft. Hell! This puts us in position to trade back with a QB hungry team and get ourselves two firsts next year! And y'all bitching about the 2022 Second Round pick? Man this board is ridiculous sometimes.
  16. I know you think you're doing well here... You're not doing well.
  17. Drafting Clausen to put ourselves in a position to get either Andrew Luck or Cam Newton. That was some 4d chess, and you rarely see an organization make a move that ballsy today, much less have it pay off!
  18. I see a solid 3rd down WR. You're right, he's not elusive, and I don't think he's the burner his pro day thumb-on-the-scale 40 time would show him to be. But what I do like is his ability to high-point a ball over a defender, and his ability to run a route across the middle and bring in the ball while absorbing a hit. We lost Curtis Samuel, so if this guy's ceiling is our 3rd down Mr. Dependable, I'm very okay with that.
  19. I full on snot-laughed when I got to this picture: I'm not a huge fan of the expression, but I have to say it here: That's a whole energy.
  20. I can tell you that young people in DC dig it. I see a lot of WFT ball caps. Let's be honest, the Redskins fans are dying out literally and figuratively. You've got the lifers who have gone to a game every year since their pappy took them in 1967. And even their interest is being eroded by the cynicism of the Snyder era. And after them, there isn't a lot of observable interest in Skins fandom among the young, diverse, and highly transient community of Washingtonians now. Look at a Capitals, Nationals or United game. Compare that to who you see in the stands in Landover every Sunday. The new name is attracting the next generation of fans, and I think they'd be wise to keep it.
  21. Disappointing. Not shocking. He wasn't an all-star but I believe he was a valuable piece, especially considering what a quality DE goes for these days. And he had the versatility to shift inside for 3rd down rush packages. I don't know how much his tender was, but I have a hard time believing he wasn't worth the money. Maybe we can replace him, but I guess I prefer to spend a little more on the devil we know than save a couple shekels on the devil we don't.
  22. This. I would be half as hard on Teddy if we were paying him half as much money. It's the pricetag that's attached to his mediocrity that makes it so hard to to handle.
  23. Terrible idea. You're basically making high-profile sex offenders untouchable. What woman, abused by a powerful man, is going to bring charges against him if there's a remote chance of getting discredited by his high-dollar legal team, PR team, and the smear campaign he's going to throw at her? If she gets beaten in the courtroom due to crooked legal shenanigans, then she'll have a) been raped, b) didn't see her abuser get justice, and c) gets punished for his crimes.
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