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Pejorative Miscreant

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Everything posted by Pejorative Miscreant

  1. IMO there are a couple things that can happen: 1. A guy visits and when we are ready to draft he is available and is the BPA in which case we draft him. 2. A guy visits and when we are ready to draft someone else is the BPA in which case we don't draft him. C. ( I did that on purpose). A guy visits and when we are ready to draft and he would have been BPA but some other team has drafted him already so we have to take someone else. So no matter what happens we are either going to draft the guys that are visiting or we are going to draft someone else.
  2. Yes but nothing beats the close like a piping hot Egg Bo Biscuit. This is what ultimately seals the deal. Sure, he might wake up to unlimited breakfast possibilities this morning at the Ritz, but at the end of the day you gotta needa wanta getta hava Bojangles.
  3. All the air went out of that conspiracy theory.
  4. You ar right on so many levels. The difference is that Franks transgressions weren't surrounded around the gravest du jour and he has 10 times less talent that Hardy making the drug stuff seem minor. Fact is both impacted the team negatively.
  5. "I really like playin pickup with this guy but he sucks as a football player?" Might be a more realistic post but can't see it getting much run
  6. He batted .400 for a baseball team. Which means he got out most of the time. That's all I got.
  7. The other point to this is that we were able to sign many key contributors (Cole, Olsen, Dickson, Edwards, etc...) which is a stark contrast to last off season when we were unable to do so due to cap reasons. I think this is overlooked by the casual fan but in fact what we did is keep a core together and effectively maintain continuity. This is key IMO
  8. And all this time I was thinking it was the shorts... Damn, what a let down.
  9. Just give him what's left in cap money so we can say we made a big splash. ...I don't care about signing 5-7 rounders anymore. Can we simply recuse ourselves from the draft?
  10. Yes but nothing like reading chicken little threads And ridiculing the OP. It's the offseason and we are in need of useful idiots or at least someone who will take one for the team and start a thread most everyone can mock. So here's to you useless thread starter. My cap is tipped.
  11. Actually saw a Delorean on 485 the other day. Had a license plate that said OUTOFTIME. I was embarrassed just sharing the road with that guy.
  12. I think the comments were more about the board than the. FO. I think the FO has a clear direction and free agency is an important part but not necessarily always a high dollar part. Nothing wrong with a low profile. I personally want a James Anderson type pickup. Nothing flashy but something that fits.
  13. Can't help note the irony. A woman seeking advice from a bunch of dudes on a football message board about how to understand a woman's behavior. Not making fun but I find it funny.
  14. All part of the strategery, man... Those $8.97 3XL Wal-Mart shorts will save this franchise millions. Dude knows what he's doing.
  15. I think this is a correct assessment. I heard Gman during an interview and he basically said trust the draft board and you will get value. For me BPA has weighing on "team value" to a certain extent. While I can not say how the variable is set but would believe that each position has a value rating associated with it and it is factored along with a raw score for a player. I would also suspect that the algorithm would be somewhat dynamic regarding who you have previously drafted lest you end up with 5 running backs and 2 punters on draft day.
  16. I agree with your statement here. I don't want a QB or a RB. Any other non ST position I would probably be OK with picking up (reserve the right to complain if we get an ILB or DT at 25). It might be presumptuous but I am almost looking past the first and am more intrigued with what we pick up in 2-7. It's early, but GMan has 1 1/2 pretty good years under his belt ( Can't get past Kugs and Barner).
  17. LOL at beck ham going to Cleveland. Got their own little focus group with Gordon, Manziel and Beckham
  18. I have to agree with this assessment. I would not absolutely hate using a second round pick on a RB but think we can find a guy in the late rounds. I think the next two years we should have Stew as the feature back and Fozzy along with another guy moving in the rotation. I know it failed miserably but Gaffney was a prime example last year. If he can come back from injury he will be decent.
  19. I'm just glad we can have conversations about picking up solid additions to either start or build a good rotation. Would love to have either of those guys here. In general would be happy with getting 2 solid/good FA ( suspect this will be OL and DB) and maybe a couple dollar store Dave rentals. Combine that with another strong draft class and it will be a great offseason IMO.
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