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  2. I think Bryce is average/above average size for a nascar driver. I don’t know the exact stats of that sport but he seems to be prototypical nascar driver size. That picture of him carrying the wheel was slightly amusing though.
  3. Today
  4. trying to get a Tim Flock joke in here about the monkey he used to ride with and connect it to Bryce, but I'm not awake yet.
  5. Panthers aren't in a great spot, but plenty of examples in teams in spots similar to us turning it around within 2-3 years. All it takes is one. Hell, look at all the takes about the Texans 2 years ago. Yeah they got CJ Stroud, but who knows what is in store for the Panthers? Maybe we get our CJ Stroud in 2025 or 2026. You just never know. I don't think you can call a 2-3 year turnaround unrealistic though.
  6. That's one way if looking at it, for sure, and I think that opinion is justified. But it's still just an opinion shaded through the lenses of suck that has taken place since Rhule got in. Like I said above, I think we have the foundation for a good team. Not that we are a good team, but we have the foundation for one. That's what I see and I see us building that with Morgan and Canales. Last year was as bad as it's going to get and it's going to get better this year and going forward. That's just how I see it. One of us will be right. I hope I am. But neither of us know for sure at this point because we haven't played a game.
  7. You have to say some pretty absurd things to stick out here. That's all this is about.
  8. The biggest problem with the Panthers roster is the lack of top-end players. Derrick Brown is probably the only guy on the roster who would be top 10 at their position. Maybe Moton would be too, but I'm not going to lie and pretend like I'm familiar with all the right tackles in the NFL. Jaycee Horn could be a top 10 CB... if he stayed healthy. Otherwise, yeah, I agree that this roster is more talented than people think. We've got a bunch of good, quality players and young guys with upside. I think our depth is stronger than it was last year. However those top-end players who can win you a possession are what makes the difference in most games. This is why we need one of our recent high-draft picks to step up and be that player, whether it is Bryce, Legette, Ikem, Sanders, Brooks, Mingo, etc. This is why I'm generally not a fan of trading good players away. Replacing them is not nearly as easy as it seems on paper, although I do think we did a good job bringing in multiple players on the DL to help with the loss of Burns. You need to keep your best players. Say what you want about Hurney, yeah he did overpay a lot... but at least he kept them.
  9. Every team, including ours, has talented players on it. Disagree with that all you want, but it's true. We are not devoid of talent. Now do we have depth or as much talent as the top 10 teams? No. But we have talent. We have the players needed to get us to 6-8 wins. We could have even pulled that off last year with better coaching. I think we're definitely going to be able to pull that off this year. We can at least pull off 5. Does more need to be added to thos team in coming years? Sure. But guess what? We will. This year was about ripping pieces out and reinstalling the floor. From here we build up
  10. everyone has their opinion for sure but I strongly disagree with this for so many reasons, we are not a talented team at all and if we are looking down the road to next year and beyond it gets even uglier considering this is shaq, dj, theilen, probably moton last year. we have absolutely no depth anywhere on the roster and cobble that with a qb going into the season playing for his job its a dismal state of affairs
  11. I just built a trophy cabinet. Thanks a lot.
  12. If he wants an elite contract, well.....bye. There is no reason for us to break the bank and possibly have to deconstruct the roster that has led to our success. This is going to be an incredibly nerve wracking offseason with a new GM and a LOT of important decisions to make. I believe in the overall idea we have though. Continue to bet on and invest in young players and prospects. We have had a lot more Jarvis's, Aho's, etc and a lot less KK's.
  13. I think this he was more burnt by "Mama Tepper" than about not being picked first if they got as close as claimed. Imagine developing a personal connection with a team's owner and still getting passed over for your buddy the little goldenchild. The ironic conclusion to this photo
  14. Latest one, and it's a doozy. A daughter kills her mother, both are prostitutes and well, it's just tangled and tawdry.
  15. We're getting little to no attention on the national scene. We're not hearing an awful lot of juicy news from the local guys. We've got no big name announcements or the drama that comes with them. Our off-season is pretty much a team stuck on a deserted island. No one really cares about us or considers us much more than #32 out of 32. I'm cool with that. We've been those cats before. And then we were our best.
  16. I mean, I can't be excited with Bryce as the QB until he consistently shows something. I'll just wait and see. There's no cautious optimism, or any type of optimism, and that's really foreign for me this time of year as pertaining to the Panthers.
  17. Unless the Canes let about every UFA walk, there's no way. The money just isn't there. Make the decision, keep Gunetzel and risk the long term success of the team, or let him go and continue to put a winning product on the ice.
  18. IDK, people love a trainwreck. If it's as bad as it's been, yes in a new fun way, then people would watch that. It would be terrible for the NFL IMO. Just selling negatives is terrible for them if they are trying to hype up the season. At least the Bears have hope, even if the cameras and a rookie QB is a giant distraction when trying to get that guy NFL ready. Even with the first pick last year there wasn't much interest in the team nationally beyond the pick itself.
  19. That's going to account for about a baker's dozen nationwide. He isn't bringing Taylor Swift numbers nor, sadly, are those shows bringing many female viewers in general. Substantially less than regular games will. I am not pining for any sort of publicity that isn't from the field, good or bad. Tepper has definitely cured me of any of those notions.
  20. I think we are very far away from that, unfortunately. I also think our roster is far worse than most realize. It's largely unproven or underperforming young players or veteran journeymen. Our core is the smallest it has been in probably 15 or more years. The truth is, our talent pool has been shrinking rapidly since Ron left. This is the result of Gettleman's poor drafting in his latter years, Hurney's poor overall drafting and then the absolutely disasterous Rhule/Fitterer era. All the while, the deep talent pool we had was either retiring or leaving. I mean, what drafted talent do we have that would even start on a third of the NFL teams? Just basically Brown and Moton. Horn really doesn't count because, well....he is never healthy enough to start anyway. That's fuging terrible. If not the worst in the NFL, very close to it.
  21. From conversations I've had, there's a lot of women folk that would watch just for Canales.
  22. It’s a family thing for us. Games on every weekend and then a big family dinner. Daughter and son in law, my brother and his wife, mom, aunts and uncles, all are welcome. Door is open, games on, and I’m always making enough for everyone.
  23. I think people are underestimating the talent we've gotten in our team now. Not saying we're great, but I think we're going to be a lot better than people think. We're not that far away from being a solid playoff team. Mock, poo, and/or disagree all you want, buy I don't think we're as bad now as we were last year. I think the coaching situation was the thing that sunk us. Not having such a clusterfug of a coaching situation cost us 5-6 games.
  24. @Stumpy Why do we not have a "Jarvis is my Co-Pilot" meme?
  25. That's assuming 2-3 years of HR draft after HR draft. That's not really a realistic goal for us, IMO. Possible but not realistic.
  26. That’s ridiculous. No team is ever more than 2-3 years max.
  27. Fox most likely would have been more stubborn about that issue, but Fox also wouldn’t have benched Cam over not wearing a tie, wouldn’t have stubbornly insisted on playing older guys over better guys, wouldn’t have stubbornly kept Mike f’ing Shula, wouldn’t have neglected to give Cam more protection and weapons. And Cam still would have been great in a different system. All in my opinion of course. Before Rhule came and blew him out of water for the position, Rivera was paradoxically our worst coach by a large margin. He just happened to be able to ride Cam’s coattails to accolades and a better winning record. I’m 100% convinced that Fox, Capers, Seifert or even Reich would have had significantly more success with Cam.
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