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Everything posted by ClawOn

  1. Only a shootout if both teams score. As Flava would say, shut em down...
  2. Nah he always looked like a dude that would steal crab legs in broad daylight
  3. Preach brother. Dak is good. Our defense is good. There will be pressure.
  4. Looks like Hubbard's skill set is limited. Thinking the offensive game plan is pass heavy. You?
  5. Silly discussion. Fitterer is somewhere between very good and elite. This kid will ball.
  6. I know I have a visceral hate for the Cowboys. I want us to win every game but this one, this year... I really, really want.
  7. Thing is we could have drafted 1st ballot hall of famer JUSTIN FIELDS who is fresh off a 1 yard QB master class.
  8. Jacksonville: we'll take no less than a 2nd for Henderson. Fitterer: a 2nd isn't available. Jacksonville: oh. Well, Dan Arnold? Fitterer: yeah, Dan Arnold.
  9. Sheesh. The kid is coming to play ball. A better situation, better coaches, better chance of being successful. Not sure what some of you need to see to realize that Rhule and Fitterer are good at what they do.
  10. Trade doesn't happen if Rhule and Fitt don't talk to CJ and his agent and they had to say exactly: yes, we want to play football in Carolina.
  11. Paper hands. I got $50 to win it all, $3,800. Ok I'm an optimistic sort.
  12. One of my favorite all time NFL watching bar moments was asking a table of 10 rowdy Cowboy "fans" in Atlanta what's the Capitol of Texas. 0/ 10.
  13. Looked exactly like I expected him to *Not a GM though
  14. Say what you will about Zane Gonzalez but he's a motor boatin extra point kickin mf'er
  15. We're going to find out very soon how good Joe Brady is
  16. Hate to say it but yeah, time to give Freeman a look
  17. Indeed sir. Thing about working from home... much easier to nurse the holy hell we're 3-0 LFG hangover.
  18. Optimism means I look brilliant when things are going well. I feel best about the endless rookie QB threads. One last time - at least 2 of the 1st 4 drafted will not work out. Always that way. Forgotten every year.
  19. That will be the Jets and Jaguars. Man, I wish we could have been worse like them last year so we could have gotten a 100% guaranteed hall of famer like they did. Now they have the unique opportunity to draft ANOTHER 100% guaranteed 1st ballot QB!!!
  20. Yeah football IQ probably a better way to say it. There's a reason he throws so many INTs.
  21. Respect for coming back. I have no problem with optimism. Eventually though you'll realize it wasn't the lack of a lasik procedure holding Winston back. He just isn't smart enough. Good luck until we meet again.
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