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About rico6

  • Birthday 03/03/1991

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  1. Rhule HAS to take a QB and everyone in-house knows it. I’m telling you, the Sam Darnold flub will go down as one of the sport’s worst decisions in a very long time.
  2. Ever need to check the potential racist sect of the huddle, check this posts poo list. My god.
  3. Yeah, but, nobody really refers to Native Americans as (non-dot) Indians. Lmao.
  4. Yup. Wouldn't be surprised to see NO and ATL bouncing back to competiveness well before the Panthers.
  5. Oh, we’re comparing mcadoo to champions. Huddle on that poo again.
  6. Jake was… Jake, due to in large prime Steve Smith ripping the league.
  7. "Sam h8trz" What in the flying fug is this even supposed to imply?
  8. And you lot thought a turnaround can be done in an offseason lmao. This team is trajectory to replace the. Browns of old. clench your butts
  9. Cam needs to be as far away from this dumpster fire as humanly possible.
  10. Weird. Felt like TB dunked on the pass defense all day. Granted the front 7 did very little to offset this.
  11. Lmao. Honestly thought "We will rock you" was about to about to be said.
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