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Everything posted by mc52beast

  1. Fug the Aints 4ever but I feel for people there getting hit by another storm.
  2. Nobody is talking about the fact that Horn wasn’t flagged once today that I can remember. And he was basically in perfect position on the TD he gave up, ball was thrown perfectly. Kid is gonna be a star.
  3. Great play no doubt. Also liked his late run when he got down inbounds, dude is always thinking.
  4. This game was like so many other games we’ve seen, just a different coach and players. They get a two score lead then call the dogs off and barely hold on. Yeh, a win is a win and we’re 1-0. But everyone here knows the Jets are picking in the top 5 next year.
  5. Unfortunately our coaching staff looks like the one that just left. Struggles with adjustments and wants to sit on leads instead of going for the freaking jugular.
  6. Was really surprised that I didn’t hear Cam’s name called one time. I know their edge guys aren’t very good but hey, I’ll take it.
  7. Offense looked really good in the first half, didn’t do jack in the second half. I hope this isn’t a sign that our coaching staff struggles like the prior one did with half time adjustments.
  8. Are the Pack really as good as everyone has been saying they are? Hard to say after one game. Are the Aints as good as they looked today? Hard to say after one game. I think from a pure skill level we match up well with them. I think Rhule has a long way to go before he can match wits with Payton and I despise Payton.
  9. It’s a good day when you barely beat the worst team in the League…
  10. Brady definitely not living up to the hype. Did a nice job in the first half but could barely move the ball in the second. Without that defense we lose to the worst team in the League. Unacceptable.
  11. First time a Michael Jordan is inactive?
  12. Every question won’t be answered but some definitely will be. Our defense should dominate and force Zack into multiple bad decisions. Our offense, if the o-line can actually earn their paychecks, should be able to put up points.
  13. This seems to be the Panthers philosophy on the o-line no matter who’s coaching; start the vets who we know are going to suck and let them suck until we have no choice but to start the young guys who are obviously better.
  14. Lots of questions about our offense, but the defense should dominate in this game. Remodeling my kitchen so I’ll be listening on the radio. KEEP POUNDING!!!
  15. The casual fan who can’t tell you the difference between a safety and a wide receiver is in it strictly for the fantasy aspect and NFL brass knows it. They are targeting this group and trying to get their attention. Me personally, I love balance. I think in order to be successful over a long stretch of the season you have to be able to run when you need to and pass as well.
  16. In a perfect world we have the game won by half time but we need to remember this team is very young and we have a coaching staff on their first full year of “normalcy”. If we lose because our defense gets torched or our offensive playmakers don’t make plays I’ll be pissed. If we play a good game and it comes down to a couple plays or blown calls I’ll say move on to the Aints.
  17. The truth is we should dominate this team. They are missing some really good players and their qb is a rookie starting his first game… But of course it’ll come down to a last second FG… at least it won’t be Slye.
  18. Normally you hear coaches talk about scheming around their weakness. How the heck do you scheme around this o-line???
  19. Has Darnold really been given a chance? Dude spent his time with one of the worst organizations in the League.
  20. Can’t just base it on coaching experience. Look at how Tepper has built our FO vs the Jets who are notoriously inept at everything. My vote goes to Rhule.
  21. Cam isn’t returning to Charlotte and Rhule doesn’t want him. It would be a circus with him on this team. Let him go somewhere and hopefully get a ring before his arm falls off.
  22. How many times in his career have we heard “Jansen just muffed a snap”. Yeh, I don’t remember any.
  23. Definitely the o-line, LB, possibly safety and RB
  24. Ron Rivera when you tell him there’s ten rookies on the team…
  25. Cam fans when the Saints sign him…
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