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Jon Snow

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About Jon Snow

  • Birthday 09/07/1961

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  1. Just keep the fat big legged kid and move on. He can be our next Sourbum or however you spell his name.
  2. The only realistic hope for this season is for them to be the best of the bad teams and win the war of attrition. They do not have enough talent to compete with the top 15 teams. Finishing somewhere in the low 20's in rankings would take a miracle. It's going to take another offseason to build a more complete team. And that's if the qb and coaches work out. Expecting a Huston type turned around is a waste of time.
  3. All of the above should have been an option as well. That's my vote when added.
  4. I enjoy the game either way. I'm either cheering or laughing when I watch our games. It's like a comedy of errors that I've become addicted to.
  5. I think they've improved the level of talent overall given the circumstances. The biggest unknown is the coach and his offense. There's still holes in critical spots IMO and the rookie weapons may not make an impact this season. Having said that, I still like the direction Morgan is going with the team. I hope he hits on a lot of these early picks because this team desperately needs it.
  6. It is. It is one the if not the most important thing. The coaches and qb pairing must be right or it's a wasted pick.
  7. Using the S2 score alone amounts to saying 1 measurable like the strongest arm is all you need to predict a sure thing is ridiculous. If that's all it took then what's the point of every other measurable? No, it's just another thing someone will use to complain about why they didn't get what they wanted.
  8. The ultimate responsibility is on the team. They had these guys in for workouts and meetings. They had plenty of opportunity to find out if these guys could do what they wanted them to do.
  9. Goes to show you it's not the end all be all some want to make it out to be. That came out after the combine didn't it?
  10. I'm one of those that think CJ is thanking his lucky stars the Panthers didn't take him instead. He would not have sniffed a ROY mention with what Frank was doing.
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