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Everything posted by NorthTryon

  1. Just think. Terry Bradshaw said that we had our franchise QB and the best QB in our franchise history in Darnold. Somebody get that senile old bitch off TV!
  2. Last year with the same playcaller, the offense looked better. Last year with less weapons, the offense looked better. Players are open consistently just as Ian Thomas was on the interception inside the five to James Bradberry of all people. It is a hundred percent on Darnold. I watched him playing for the Jets and he goes through his progressions slow and releases slow just like he is doing now. He is inaccurate deep, and inaccurate short. I would have rather gotten Trubisky off the scrap heap and kept our draft picks. I say that because both of them gave the line that it feels so good to be somewhere you are wanted. Front office panicked plain and simple. This is what happens when you panic.
  3. Then why would you try to downplay his running skills and escapability? Was it for the sole purpose of this thread? I like to win debates too, but c'mon Shelly.
  4. If you don't know what you're talking about just say so. Otherwise, being a Panthers' fan I don't see how you can even utter such nonsense. Seriously, keep coming back at these chumps sounding like ten year old super fans. Because that would have to be the age one is now to not remember Cam Newton enough to make mentally defective posts like the one above. Got to let them know that flies on the Facebook posts but not on the Panthers' board. Even if the rest of these football analysts on here allow it.
  5. I think Rivera due to being the two time coach of the year. He just needed a better GMs. We went several years without getting anything but one maybe two players out of seven rounds. How are you supposed to build a consistent winner with inconsistent drafts and free agency periods? Brandon Beane should've been our GM after Gettleman.
  6. Hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha! Narrator: Where have we seen this shirt before? Guy with shirt on checking out holding the exact same shirt he has on: "Ah I'm gonna get it anyways".
  7. Yeah, I normally don't but everybody acting like he cost us the game and his attitude is terrible. I just know why I would be mad.
  8. Yeah he had the option, but Dennis Schroeder could have signed with the Lakers last season for $80 mil, bet on himself and got $4mil. I would have gotten paid too and been riding high. But maybe now he is starting to see the same old inconsistent Darnold. Hence him flipping out last weekend and the lackluster effort mentally yesterday. I mean his attitude seemed better when we were winning.
  9. If I got away from the Jets, Darnold, and the rest of that dumpster fire, I'd be a little dejected for my new team to sign up for the same terrible QB play. He did seemingly have a better attitude last year, but unlike super fans I don't try and guess everything from a player's emotions the three or four times the camera lands on them a game. Think about this though. Imagine those years in New York. He's getting catches, touches, and yards, but he knows they aren't winning. Then you get a new fresh start for a year. Then that QB shows up and starts doing the same thing. On top of that, your team is tied to him for the duration of your deal. I'd be out right pouting cause most careers aren't long.
  10. I almost started a thread on this, but with everyone's emotions running high I know it would get hijacked. I believe they are clearly dumbing down this offense to try and keep it simple for Darnold. The route combinations and reads are elementary with an available checkdown in the middle of the field. Dude is still struggling, but no one says certain QBs have trouble processing information or reading defenses and the offense has to be dumbed down. It has been made apparent since Day 1 that Darnold is being spoon fed. Every week, the announcers start the telecast off with "Rhule told Darnold just worry about playing football". He is being handled with kid gloves and still can't get the job done. This offense did not look this stagnant last year and I am not a Bridgewater fan.
  11. Yes indeed-e! Apparently he has no weapons except a hurt CMC. Poor guy can't catch a break. All the things he was promised when he came here. And I forgot, he is essentially a rookie.
  12. Yep, no rebuttal. Nothing to combat the actual facts of what I said. Thought so.
  13. Way to take it out of context guy. That is all you got from the post? We all know Ian Thomas is no world beater, but he was open and was missed on throws Sunday. I'm sure you can see what I meant by the post, but good effort. I see you got some pie.
  14. Not my fault you can't remember the game or don't know what you are looking for on the screen. Don't quote me if you can't remember what happened in the game fella.
  15. 1. Exactly, as the website was recently changed and people who have been on here for years still have low rankings according to new system. 2. He combs the internet for the middle fingers Gifs way too hard. 3. I can't believe how many are dying on this Adam Gase/ he is essentially a rookie sword. It looks like he is essentially a rookie with some of the reads made this season. 4. This dumping on our skill position players is nonsense. All of a sudden Robby, DJ, Chuba, and Ian just aren't that good. That blew my mind to see threads and posts saying this. We literally went to the show with Tedd Ginn Jr as our number one WR and Philly Brown as the two. They'll say G-Reg was actually #1, but he played TE and we know that. This is one of the best skill position groups ever fielded for Carolina. Dude, Chuba had an outstanding game for a rookie with being a viable option out of the backfield and 100 plus yards behind this "terrible" o-line. DJ and Robby have been open i.e. the Dallas game first half where DJ was missed on the double move and Sunday where Robby was underthrown. Thomas and Marshall were both open on interception plays Sunday. I just don't get why Darnold is off limits. Shite is boggling the mind.
  16. So first quarter last week against Dallas DJ Moore wasn't streaking wide open and was missed by Darnold? Also, Robbie Anderson wasn't wide open on the post Sunday against Philly and was under thrown? He didn't miss Thomas on third down Sunday twice? Players are being schemed open. Also why I said every play you scheme isn't going to work! But when someone breaks open you have to hit it.
  17. Yeah, but Jackson came off of the route he was defending to make that pick and stopped a possible huge gain yesterday. Sometimes you got to go off script.
  18. They were last week. I stopped counting how many times I read "essentially he is a rookie". Complete and utter nonsense.
  19. Was it at all in tribute? I thought it was odd. Let me me do celebration of QB they let go of years ago. ????
  20. He had time on all three interceptions. Brady is scheming players wide open and he is missing the throws plain and simple. Every play you scheme isn't going to work, but when they do you have to connect. Also, that is the problem if a QB sees ghosts out there. You only have all day to throw the ball once or twice every now and then. Greg Olsen said it on the broadcast yesterday that Sam missed a lot of throws. Greg knows football too!
  21. But they are scheming players wide open and he is missing the throws. Greg Olsen even said it on the broadcast yesterday that Sam missed a lot of throws.
  22. I don't get why people don't understand this. We should've taken one this year even after the Darnold trade. It wasn't a certainty Darnold was going to struggle, but he definitely had a track record of struggling.
  23. Yeah like the article you linked about how Dallas ran out of the Jumbo set on our undersized defense. Who wrote that article? Was it Captain Obvious? Hahahahahahahhaha.
  24. And there it is. I have no rebuttle so I'll be dismissive. Mmmkay. Hahahahahaahhahahahaha.
  25. You get nothing. You argue inside a vacuum and I knew you'd take the bait. It has only been four games, so I don't know what Darnold will end up being for this franchise, but I believe we should have somebody capable behind him. That is all no more no less. We are literally doing as much as possible for all positions on this team as evidenced by Fitts calling around for available lineman and the report of almost having a WR trade with the JAGS this offseason. Again, I'm sorry you're used to Hurney and sitting pat on what you have, but I've always known life could be this way. Thanks for coming out.
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