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Pejorative Miscreant

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Everything posted by Pejorative Miscreant

  1. Hope the guy is ok but Olson just snot bubbled that guy.
  2. I want young Master Winston to see the aforementioned demonstrative moves this Sunday. Leadership factor alone almost makes the pick up a win IMO.
  3. agreed. Only caveat is that the coaching staff was indecisive on whether TD was a Safety or LB (my recollection and may be wrong). I think this may have initially slowed TDs learning curve a bit. Sounds like RR is firm in Shaqs role as a LB which should help.
  4. I think the RB rotation will be key, especially early on if the OL needs a little more time to gel. If a strong running game cAn be established early on this team could really make some noise.
  5. 4 out of 5 picks seem to already be entrenching themselves as solid contributors on my he roster. Hope Mayo comes around but it still looks like this is shaping up to be a great draft class.
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