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Donald LaFell

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Everything posted by Donald LaFell

  1. I’ve never been that enamored with Reggie Wayne, just felt like he had it too easy.
  2. You mean all purpose yards? Also surprised nobody has noticed Demarcus Ware on the list. I feel like he’s likely.
  3. I thought the pass protection would be worse. I was expecting a top 10 defense honestly but not a dominanting SB caliber defense. I’ll basically be looking over my shoulder the entire season. Just not used to the team winning and that feeling of being exposed keeps lurking. If we can get past the Texans then dropping one to the Cowboys won’t feel so bad but if we’ll can’t win this Thursday I’ll be back to feeling as uneasy as ever. I didn’t expect Darnold to be so accurate on the move. I thought we would win vs the Jets but Darnold would get sacked a ton, definitely thought we’d get outcoached vs the Saints. I was expecting their defense to be much tougher.
  4. I guess that’s the early season for yah. Nobody wants to say out loud that their predictions were wrong or commit to a new position since it’s too early for that as well.
  5. Dang if I could afford 300 grand bets I wouldn’t be gambling much. Different strokes I guess.
  6. The only reason they are tempering expectations is because they don’t want to be wrong. All of these articles just say a whole lot of nothing. Things turn on a dime in the NFL, but until they do just give him some credit lol. Even if he plays this well all season you couldn’t Rhule us out looking for a QB in the off-season.
  7. His kickoffs are horrible, somebody call Rhys Lloyd
  8. Can’t believe it! Other than CMC taking snaps he didn’t need to in the 4th, I love the aggression.
  9. I swear it feels like so many edge rushers are coming free against offenses. I feel like I’ve seen overloading and stunts before, but I’ve never seen teams just let rushers come free the way the Jets and Saints have. Am I crazy?
  10. That season was similar start too, the defense feasted. Peppers vs Harrington was memorable.
  11. My reaction at the time honestly seemed like it was fine. I’d want my DT showing that much urgency towards the ball carrier. I understand the penalty but helmets are going to make contact sometimes. I can’t see how a huge DT can dive towards a player and not have his head down. The NFL is in a very odd place right now lol. It’s really hard to codify rules of safety into something so chaotic and violent. The 2nd call on Darnold was pretty loose too. I’m not complaining because we’ll get our fair share of bad calls too in the end, but I’m not holding ill will towards Roach.
  12. I don’t think we have many aging players or expiring contracts next year do the window is opening vs closing. You can’t trade the future. its still worth shipping around for someone before the deadline. Especially a kicker.
  13. So sad that actor passed, iconic performance and character.
  14. I honestly felt about 60% negative about this game that I had to go with unbridled optimism.
  15. Would love if we blow them out but the talent discrepancy seems huge. Their roster is great RN.
  16. This seems like a stunningly stupid thing to try to change? Why? Do they want more time for ads?
  17. The SW upper is always really lively, I notice it wherever I sit.
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