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avant - "we're getting open"

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Why does Cam/KB seem to have so much chemistry and KB is a rookie? While they were getting busy practicing with each other, where was Cotchery and Avant? First off lets just leave Cotchery out of this


throwing to avant and cotchery is like trying to throw thru an open window...throwing to benjamin is like throwing to hit the side of a barn.

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Why does Cam/KB seem to have so much chemistry and KB is a rookie? While they were getting busy practicing with each other, where was Cotchery and Avant? First off lets just leave Cotchery out of this

Every report indicated all if them were working together.

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Cam can and does throw with anticipation with regularity. But he has to trust the timing first. Right now he only trusts Kelvin and Olsen, and he's been off with both of them too. He'll get it together but this ankle has to get behind him and they are just gonna have to shovel on the reps until he's up to speed. It's just what has to happen.

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LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO dude. Wrong comment Jason


what's so bad about it? if you read the comment in it's entirety instead of just the twitter blurb put out just to generate clicks by getting a reaction out of people who tend to overreact (looking at you), you'd see it's about the chemistry and trust that isn't there that takes time to create. it's easier for cam to trust kelvin right now because those two are BFFs, but in time cam will start to feel the same way about other receivers...you know...after they've had time to play together and all.


cam is right now only targeting in on a couple targets and that has to change, but i'm sure it will just like it has in previous seasons.


but hey....wave that cam disrespect flag and wave it proudly. we're all watching.

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So, was this post saying we shouldn't make negative threads and have smiles on our faces when we lose?

Your first mistake was listening to tv commentators. Those guys change their tune from play to play depending on the outcome.

Sent from Carolina Huddle App for Android.

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The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.  Cam completed a decent pass to Avant last week. Was there no trust then?  


He's also missed some to Avant, especially that bad one last night where their timing was definitely off.

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