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Lake Dawson Has Second Interview With Panthers For GM Job


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Oh look, more media talking heads throwing poo at the wall hoping something will stick.

We have La Canfora saying a hiring is imminent, we have Pelissero saying a decision isn't even close, and we have Voth completely punting on the situation saying that the decision could be made today, tomorrow, later, that the situation is "fluid". Well, yeah. No poo. You don't need any knowledge of the situation what so ever to say that. Hell, there's no way to possibly be wrong.

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This needs to happen, dunno if you guys have seen this, but seems like he has the right mindset. 


I'm just not a fan of hiring a guy you fired, who put this team in cap purgatory, and was the owner's personal yes man. We need a real GM, not a former journalist turned GM. 

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4 minutes ago, bobsfoodbasics said:

I just find it funny that the local beat writers never report any news on the Panthers.

I am waiting for the Joe Person tweet in 20 minutes confirming that Lake Dawson had a second interview.

Who really cares who comes out with a story first in this day and time?  Really? 

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I think the more important news is Dawson got a second interview, the rest is just press banter so who cares.

Giving Dawson a second interview means we're standing on an edge and the team could very easily hire him. I wish there was a successful way for us as fans to try and push the team to the Dawson side instead of the Hurney side.

Maybe the more negative press about the Hurney situation we can conjure, the better for Dawson.

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2 minutes ago, Ship said:

I think the more important news is Dawson got a second interview, the rest is just press banter so who cares.

Giving Dawson a second interview means we're standing on an edge and the team could very easily hire him. I wish there was a successful way for us as fans to try and push the team to the Dawson side instead of the Hurney side.

Maybe the more negative press about the Hurney situation we can conjure, the better for Dawson.

Send a letter to the panthers about how you clutch your pearls at the idea of allowing a monster like JR and his lacky yes man Hurney to run the team and how it's a disgrace to the shield and panthers organization, and that you won't give them money.

Or something.

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