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Carolina Mike

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  1. New plan! We take all players less than 6 foot at all positions! Problem solved. They should all come at a discounted price due to their shortcomings.
  2. Same here! Wouldn’t it be so Panthers to have been like…. He had me at “point guard”
  3. He said “point guard” where have I heard that prior?
  4. I would imagine whatever coach we get players the biggest part into what happens on the O-line. Regardless, I believe many new names will be coming in.
  5. Seems suspicious to me. ONLY the NC hates the Panthers?
  6. It doesn’t matter what we all think. Until proven otherwise it only matters if Tepper is done with BY. Realistically when has Tepper done anything the “way it’s supposed” to go? He falls in and out of love with coaches & players like it’s an item. Tepper will fall for whatever the next coach wants. That’s my opinion.
  7. I want a fresh start at QB. At this point, those numbers even with a bad o-line is dreadful.
  8. How many of you would want to accept a job under the following conditions? Everyone was basically let go for poor performance. Oh one small thing, there is a guy your boss wants to keep. This is a key position to your success . This employee has greatly under performed and isn’t necessarily your pick. Remember your job is to be successful but you have to use this one guy. Add in the last two people at your position was fired pretty quickly for lack of progress. None of you would do that. You’d want to bring in who you think is best fitted for your style to succeed.
  9. I really don’t care who the players like, burn the place down and start again.
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