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  1. Past hour
  2. Hey mods... @rayzor @LinvilleGorge and others. What are the odds of getting an Olympics forum installed for the next 8 weeks or so? Looks to be an exciting Olympics in Paris, especially in the track & field events both men and women's teams are strong, women's swimming.
  3. The opportunity was there to draft 4 or 5 guys that either started or made significant contributions this season. But I guess they wanted "dawgs" instead.
  4. Today
  5. We will see how he recovers. It could be the single event that opens the floodgates or it could just be a blip on the radar.
  6. So I'm just wondering how many of us would be offended if the Salvation Army bell ringer at Christmas didn't say , "Thank you" for the dime they manage to toss in the bucket. Or better yet, how would we feel if an onlooker who saw us donate looked us up and down with contempt and said, "That's all?" when we put a whole dollar in the bucket...while having a PS5 and TV in our shopping cart. That's the equivalent of griping about Tepper on this. Yeah he's got way more and could donate a whole country's GDP and not miss it. He didn't this time and if we're honest, the same people griping now would gripe then too just because.
  7. The history there would be my concern. I’d need to do a deep dive into what broke down. Say you nail an extension now at 3 years, 18 million per year. If you expect him to perform as 1b-2a for the duration, that’s a decent discount. In consideration and accounting for “inflation”, you take on the uncertainty of how he’ll perform in our system and he gets security. We win there if he outperforms the contract but plays it out. That last part gives me pause. If he balls out, would he ride out an undervalued contract going into his 30’s?
  8. Uh oh, I must have hurt someones little sensitive feelings....Awwww, come here and let daddy tuck your little ass in and find you a safe room. You must be one of those great "activitists" from the litter box. To tell you the truth I can't stand Tepper but it's funny that every time you aren't 100% against him on something there's always someone who will start screaming about being on their knees for the old fat man. You seem to be versed and interested in being on your knees for other guys judging by how much you apparently know about it and interested in it by bringing it up so I will let you handle any and all of that Mr long fart.
  9. But I wouldn't call Brooks your quintessential project; he's a talented back that needs to convalescence in order to get on the field. Playing RB is honestly one of the easiest positions to learn relative to some others (even linemen). It's even easier if you already have good fundamentals as it pertains to blocking (which Brooks has displayed). I don't see Brooks as a project as much as I see him as a gamble due to his injury, and he isn't even a big gamble if NFL doctors are correct about their prognosis.
  10. I'm starting to favor two prospects. Dalton and Dillingham. Robert could be guard insurance for Melo when he misses time, play alongside Melo and Miller and be a leader of the second team. Dalton could be scorer at the perimeter and connect the dots between Miller and Melo at SG. We need to score more.
  11. (Long, drawn out, grammatically incorrect) Question. Would it be cool, with the intention that "To Hell with it, it's just a fifth" and then said player that we talk to signs with another team, and the NFL finds out we came calling too, and we lose that fifth for nothing? Still worth it? I think they should've dropped the hammer to enforce the rules in place personally.
  12. At least the city has one team that we don't have to be totally embarrassed by. I'd kill for the panthers to be middle of the road
  13. If we had wanted to trade Norman we could have done pretty well better than a 5th in return. You know, the analytical path that just churns value upwards. Which, I’d like to see happen with QBs being taken late.
  14. His arguments weren’t really clear, He said traded for Corral which he was a drafted player. Though we did trade up. = confused, unclear. Then there was the contention that had no gray area, he was franchise or bust - no in between. Which is really what is the most likely outcome. Maddening mediocrity.
  15. Game 4, 5-1 in the 2nd, Oilers finally opened Bob up like a can of sardines. It’s what they had to do. Bob pulled.
  16. Hornets are a cursed franchise. Maybe it's a mascot sharing a name with a notorious hurricane, or the ghost of Bobby Phills, or George Shinn making a pact with the devil, or LJ's broken back or Zo not being worth the money, or Adam Morrison lingering stink, or some combination of all those and more. They are never going to be good. Even when they were adored in the good old days, they still weren't very good. All that said, Atlanta is a pretty bad sports town. Take out all the SEC fanbases in the vicinity and it is very bleak indeed.
  17. Yesterday
  18. for the right price I would extend Johnson today but im sure they are terrify of a Darnold situation
  19. Its social media, people like to whine, especially when its someone they don't like at the time. I don't see the point in complaining about something like this (its a good thing overall) but then I generally just scroll past the whining.
  20. All 3 of those guys were traded because it was time to give them monster extensions that their previous team wasn’t willing or able to give them, not because they weren’t reaching their potential. Terrible comparisons to Johnson’s situation
  21. You have to think about it in terms of trade value. What can you reasonably expect to get on the trade market for a 5th round pick? Certainly not a guy who is going to be a highly sought after free agent.
  22. Even if the 5th being lost is guaranteed, that’s better value than we’ve gotten from a 5th round pick since 2012 with Josh Norman.
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