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Does anyone actually think Bryce will actually be good?

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30 minutes ago, pantherclaw said:

So every player that is over drafted is a scam artist.  Interesting perspective.  

Bryce absolutely gamed the system at the combine, but players are supposed to do what they can to increase their draft stock. That's their motivation and (typically) in their best interest. Any fault lies with Carolina/any other team for not seeing through it if there was indeed valid internal concern.

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People actually care what Allbright says? The pathological liar who faked his Twitter being hacked by Russians, claims to be whatever ethnicity works for the moment, that his family are all war heroes, publicly humiliated his ex who he cheated on for absolutely no reason, and all sorts of other crazy poo? Weird…






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On 5/25/2024 at 7:52 AM, electro's horse said:

alright im going to post seriously here for a second

what you are seeing with bryce young is the confluence of some well understood cognitive phenomenon: mistaking what you want to happen for what is happening and working backwards from there (call this working backwards from a conclusion/cognitive dissonance, im sure im mixing up the terms a little here), and getting scammed and defending the scammer (call this the gregor macgregor affect i don't know there's probably a term somewhere, google is unusable.)

People who care a lot about the Panthers want them to have a good player at the most important position in the game, and the Panthers gave up a ton to be in position to take one, and they took one, so that must be the good player. There is obviously an overload of available information any lay person can find that they can use to convince themselves that what they wanted was happening. to the lay person, it was aggressively obvious right away that it wasn't going to work out. it was clear halfway through the first quarter of the atlanta game he did not belong in the nfl. a bird's eye view of the season shows at best the second worst season ever. But people who really wanted something to be true cannot accept this, and instead pick apart details or blame things or wishcast into the future or move goalposts to defend it because they cannot accept that what they wanted and what they believed they had is actually....not there. People do this all the time. I've got a patient right now in late stage frontotemporal dementia and her POA just will not listen to me or hear what I'm saying because he was told I'm an amazing provider with inpatient neuro experience and when I look at him and say "you need to understand expectations" or "she has no quality of life" he just refuses to understand what I'm saying.

The second is this weird trait we have where if we get scammed, some people will defend the scammer. if you get bored read up on gregor macgregor and the mosquito coast, but basically he was charging people to join an expedition to settle this absolutely poo stretch of land in south america. all these people either died or had to be rescued, but when they returned to their home towns they refused to believe they'd been scammed, blamed other things, or even blamed themselves. This guy was CLEARLY a scam artist but they could not accept they, smart rational people etc had been scammed.

This is some weird vestigial evolutionary trait that helped a group of monkeys work together to take the watering hole and no of course there's no modern day political equivalent why you imply such a thing.

Panthers' fans were scammed with Bryce Young. Tepper (david or nicole im not sure which) were scammed with him. Obviously it's more complex than one scottish dude drunkenly walking into a bar in Buenos Aires but it's a similar setup. And yes the stakes are lower than moving to the other side of south america but a scam is a scam is a scam.

It is very difficult for people to admit that they, ostensibly smart, rational, logical people would believe and buy in to something so obviously rotten so the blame has to go somewhere else. Every problem with Bryce has an cause external to him, and all problems will be solved by /random thing that has happened the specifics don't really matter. Currently it's a guy who no other team interviewed for the HC position.

if you read this and your first instinct is that i'm attacking you, you need to take a deep breath and reevaluate some things. this is an opportunity for personal growth and you should take it.

surely some people will counter with "well it's just football it's not that serious and why does it hurt to be excited for something?" This is what's called a "though terminating cliche" and is just a cutesy little phrase meant to stop the conversation and help the person using it avoid defending their terrible ideas.

and to the person saying "lol wow you typed all this up u mad," <puts poo posting hat back> don't judge what i do by your own limitations. I'm much higher functioning than you and this was neither time or energy consuming for me. This is a casual thought. I am learning not to hold people to the same standards I hold myself, so I don't blame you for reacting defensively out of a sense of wonder and inferiority.


You either need to do waaay more drugs or waaay less drugs, your current intake is not right. Sorry I can not advise on which path to take.  

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On 5/27/2024 at 7:22 PM, WUnderhill said:

People actually care what Allbright says? The pathological liar who faked his Twitter being hacked by Russians, claims to be whatever ethnicity works for the moment, that his family are all war heroes, publicly humiliated his ex who he cheated on for absolutely no reason, and all sorts of other crazy poo? Weird…






What did Albright say to get ppl worked up here? 

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On 5/27/2024 at 7:22 PM, KSpan said:

Bryce absolutely gamed the system at the combine, but players are supposed to do what they can to increase their draft stock. That's their motivation and (typically) in their best interest. Any fault lies with Carolina/any other team for not seeing through it if there was indeed valid internal concern.

This is true. I have said it before I'm not mad at bryce for scamming the pre draft process... I am upset with my team for not recognizing the concerns and  skipping on him for the better player. 

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7 hours ago, The Lobo said:

What did Albright say to get ppl worked up here? 

I'm not worked up about this but I had a little beef with his reporting or whatever it is, and can’t remember specifically what it was. A year or so ago maybe. It was something about Wilks or maybe Reich, but I thought the way he presented it was pretty slanted and I disagreed with the facts as he presented them, more or less. I believe it was an audio spot with FNZ.

I took note that this guy was maybe all about some kind of agenda to be distorting the reality to make a story more appealing. 

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